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Preparations for new breeding season


Just living is not enough… one must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower.

Hans Christian Andersen

Luckily the spring is here, and it will certainly bring us lot of sunshine we’ve been missing during long winter. Freedom in these tough times we will have to find in determination, patience and solidarity. As for the for the flowers, there we can help – preparations for new breeding season are on the way. Mother plants are ready and breeding plan have been adopted and is accommodated to these strange times of precaution and isolation.

We are a breeding company. Our task is to bring beautiful flowers to people everywhere. Since the situation is different from anything we have encountered so far, and our roses now seem so far away to all those who are forced to stay at home, we have decided to bring the flowers to you. In the coming days we will try harder and step up on our social platforms to bring you the most beautiful pictures of roses we have in our archives, so you could see the world is still colourful and beautiful and it will remain so after all this have come to pass.

We promise to bring that little flower every day to your home for as long as it takes until a moment we will all again be able to go outside to walk, play, talk and smell the roses…

Stay safe, take care of each other.

The PGR team